1.Working Holiday Visa

You must:
•have a Malaysian passport that‘s valid for at least three months after your planned departure from New Zealand
•be at least 18 and not more than 30 years old
•not bring children with you
•hold a return ticket or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket*
•have a minimum of NZ$2,250 available funds to meet your living costs while you’re here
•meet our health and character requirements
•be coming to New Zealand to holiday, with work or study being secondary intentions for your visit
•not have been approved a visa or permit under a Working Holiday Scheme before.

If you are already in New Zealand you also need to hold a valid temporary permit.
*You are required to hold sufficient funds for the duration of your visit and for the purchase of an outward ticket from New Zealand. Such evidence may be requested on arrival at the border.

Submit online application and pay via credit card about RM 280. I get my approval after 2 working days. It really efficient! Then print out the approval copy show to custom when arrive NZ. This approval copy is saved under immigration webpage. Login with your ID, you can re-print it.

2.Driving License
Go to JPJ and tell the officer you need English translate of driving license. The fee is RM 10.
Website: http://www.nzta.govt.nz/licence/residents-visitors/driving-nz.html
You can drive in New Zealand if you hold a driver licence from another country or an international driving permit and:
•your overseas licence is current and valid, and
•you've not received a disqualification or suspension in New Zealand, and
•you last entered New Zealand less than 12 months ago, and
•your overseas licence is in English; if it's not, you must have an accurate translation, and
•you've not been granted a New Zealand driver licence.

As per requirement we need to bring NZD 2250. Hence below are few options:
-Cash – No advisable to bring all in cash. Bring about NZ500 is advisable.
-Bank Draft – Request a bank draft pay to the bank you intened to open in NZ (ASB/ANZ/Kiwibank). However, it needs to take 4-5 working to transit.
-Traveller Cheque – Most convenience way. However, most of the bank in Malaysia not selling traveller cheque in NZD.
-Bank statement – Get verify copy of your bank statement to proof you have sufficient funds.
-Credit card - Is convenience for online booking and cash advance reqeust.

4.Bank Account
- There are few banks available in NZ. Most popular is ANZ & ASB.
- To open account you need to bring photocopy of your passport & driving license.
- For ASB bank account opening you need to request:
• Transaction account – Choose Streamline – This is the type with no fees for electronic transactions, waive monthly fees (NZ 3) for no paper statement request, suitable for people who seldom use counter/cheque service.
• Saving account - Choose Fastsaver – This type account with interest rate calculated daily base, no transaction fees.
• FastCash Card - A cash card like our ATM card.
• Visa Debit Card – Monthly card fees NZ 5. Function same as credit card.
• Fast Phone Banking – It is useful when internet is not available
• FastNet Classic Internet Banking – Useful e-banking service
Website: https://www.asb.co.nz/personal/accounts
Form: https://www.asb.co.nz/story_images/385_1201300260209ASBP_s2379.pdf
NOTE: It needs 5 working days to complete Visa Debit Card.

5.Apply IRD.
-Ready original & photocopy of your passport and driving license.
-Fill in the form below and submit.
-It needs 8 – 10 working days.
-You can call to get you IRD no.
NOTE: remember to update your IRD no. to the bank.
Website: http://www.ird.govt.nz/income-tax-individual/
Form: http://www.ird.govt.nz/resources/f/c/fc8c6f804bbe4767b69bf6bc87554a30/ir595.pdf

6.Phone & Internet

7.YHA & BBH membership
-YHA card can be applied in Malaysia Yearly fees for adult is RM 40. Optional additional delivery fees is RM6 via Postlaju.
Website: http://www.myha.org.my/v2.1/content/view/89/66
Form: http://www.myha.org.my/v2.1/images/hi-m_applicationform%20new.doc
- BBH card can only apply in New Zealand. It cost NZ 45 (included NZ20 prepaid card). Online application is more expensive. So recommend to apply when arrive.

Madison is a capitol of Wisconsin State. It famous with 2 lakes called Monona Lake and Mendota Lakes. Madison University is located near down town in the university there is a small stall selling ice cream and it always full with people during summer days. The middle of the picture is the government office of Madison. It open to tourist visit during weekdays and you can join the free tour go up to top of the building.

The flowers is blossom everywhere and change rapidly within months. There is a botanical garden in this city. Just take a bus no 7 and walk for 10 minutes to Orbich Botanical Garden. You only need to pay USD 1 for entry.

I visit the Zoo as well. This is FREE and it is quite well maintain. Take a bus and walk about 25 minutes.

Anderson Japanese Garden located in Rockford, Illinois State. Elaine bring us here. The entry ticket is USD 7. This is really a nice park and you will feel you are out of US. I love the landscape and the plant. There have different colour and shape once it combine it is amazing!! The duckling there are quite. There will follow you where ever they see you..
Chicago!! This is Chicago street view and you can see lots of amazing architecture building. We walk around Michigan Ave which is famous with all kind of branded shop!! Just window shopping..Center of the picture is John Hancock observation tower on top.
This is Shedd Aquarium..the biggest indoor aquarium in the world..is a bit expensive for me USD 34Here is the best partner during my trip in USA. Elaine and Dona. Want to say thousand thank you to Elaine to bring us around and take care of us!!

This is a 3 days 2 nights trip. We stay at Cameron Inn near to tanah rata bus station. Twin sharing room is RM50 per room. Is a nice guest house with helpful staff. We take public bus to rose valley garden about 20 minutes journey. On the way back we able to hitch a truck to Brincang night market!! This is our first time be a hitchhiker. watching..Rose Valley

Mossy Forest at Mt. Brincang
Second day morning we go for mossy forest tracking (RM60 per person tour) but the weather is not good..raining and windy.. we cant even go further and force to return..it is a wonderful scenery and you will feel like walking in a jungle of fairy tale!!

BOH tea plantation
After that is Boh Tea plantation visit. Good view of tea plantation, we enjoy our cup of Boh tea with some snack..
Cactus in night market

Strawberry Plantation
Strawberry plantation is the end. I enjoy the strawberry lassi!! yummy!! The rest of the time we do our own tracking. With the map on hand we go for easy parth. That's the time we enjoy on photo shooting and bird
My best friend and best partner


这是阿布-我新买的相机的自拍像。因为是‘Blue' 所以得此名。生日4月19日。白羊座。有过目不忘的记忆力(4GB)。兴趣是爱看美丽的事物。




Jz gave up a chance to USA yesterday
It have been keeping in my mind for so long
Finally, I tell the true to boss
It is a great release after sharing my thought and my dream
Yes. Definitely a bit sad but still able to control by hard

Life always play in between 'give' and 'take'
Since i give up this change
I tell myself 'You must go apply your WHV as per plan!!' Is a MUST and no return'

Today, boss confirm on mine cancellation of US trip
However, there also have a good news (It always not the worst when the bad things happen). Boss Say 'I have discussed with Paul, you welcome after you complete your 1 year of WHV' For my boss, I decided to become a spy during my WHV, try get a job related with food industry and get the experience..then try to upgrade my knowledge within this year.

Another good/bad news is got company invite me for interview..Ha ha ha..
I will go and try..maybe got a chance to be a spy..

Tomorrow, will get my passport done and apply for Australia WHV!! yes i can do it!

这个星期又没回家。因为,需要在周末工作 (Trial)。从星期六下午1点,延迟到今早5点。还是没人call 。原来,又变成下午1点。
早上,闲来无事便带着我笨重的笔电到了麦当劳。买了sausage Mc muffin with egg RM 8.70,现在,开心的享用着我的早餐和咖啡。优哉,优哉。

早上8点,吃完早餐后,从新山出发到珍妮湖(Chini Lake)。路程大约需要4个小时。
中午12点抵达珍妮湖,拿了一个游船配套RM60 (四人)。

下午4点,抵达关丹- Check in 民宿 (RM50/两人)-寻找关丹美食

民宿:JASON LIM (0162129623)

晚上7点,在Telok Cempedak 食阁吃 Kelopok Lekor。然后到海边放烟花和提灯笼 。

太阳6.30才露脸, 太阳被挡着了。看见了一些云海。风景很美,空气很新鲜。过后,我们到山脚下的档口吃有名的豆腐。

中午,我们往丁加奴(Kuala Terengganu) 的方向开去。到Bandar Chukai吃酿蟹。。觉得有点贵,味道也没有预期的好。。
过后到Cherating Club Med 隔壁的海龟保育中心看海龟。一路停停走走都是碧海蓝天,感觉很自在,很自由。。

晚上,我们又到Telok Cempedak 享用经济有好吃的西餐。。老板很友善,会跟每个顾客打招呼。。顾客还蛮多的。。

我们一早,就到Telok Cempedak附近吃有名的家咖哩面 ---店名是‘海燕’




在cool room里的小花



去过马六甲,太平,吉隆坡,新加坡的动物园就是没去过柔佛的。身为柔佛认真有点惭愧。这个星期六没回家,就到动物园走走。地点靠近在柔佛市区及苏丹公园靠海边路走就会找到。门票成人RM 2, 小孩RM 1。超便宜的^___^ 这个动物园是有点小,动物也有点少。但一家人来消磨周末是不错的选择。

与蟒蛇照相免费。。^@^ 在新加坡可要收费$10!!




还在考虑要去拿澳洲WHV 还是纽西兰WHV?

我必须先renew 护照,才能申请。

Just got free time to access internat. I feel soooo tired for this week. Too many things happen and it just make me down. I really dont know how to handle stress and easily to blame myself. Maybe I really need to learn meditation or take a course.

Meet him again, same things happen. Why i just cant say no?? (blame myself). He not love you at all. Why I still dreaming??? He is not that good..Leave him far far away only i can start my new life..

Sigh..how my life going to be continue it have been dragged for 3 years!! I have strugged for 3 years just bcos a bad guys who i love..



五分, 十分钟过去了。。




大年初五开工,没多少人上班。 公司里冷冷清清,不过着样也好,可以准时下班。今天,看了非洲大哥的邮件有点好笑。他竟然用'This is it'推销我们的Angelito。。太有创意了!

