Jz gave up a chance to USA yesterday
It have been keeping in my mind for so long
Finally, I tell the true to boss
It is a great release after sharing my thought and my dream
Yes. Definitely a bit sad but still able to control by hard

Life always play in between 'give' and 'take'
Since i give up this change
I tell myself 'You must go apply your WHV as per plan!!' Is a MUST and no return'

Today, boss confirm on mine cancellation of US trip
However, there also have a good news (It always not the worst when the bad things happen). Boss Say 'I have discussed with Paul, you welcome after you complete your 1 year of WHV' For my boss, I decided to become a spy during my WHV, try get a job related with food industry and get the experience..then try to upgrade my knowledge within this year.

Another good/bad news is got company invite me for interview..Ha ha ha..
I will go and try..maybe got a chance to be a spy..

Tomorrow, will get my passport done and apply for Australia WHV!! yes i can do it!